Rehabilitation of patients suffering from neurological disorders is the focus of neurological physiotherapy.
Nervous system disorders affect not just the central nervous system but also the peripheral nervous system. Physical abilities such as balance, muscular strength, mobility, and range of motion can be impaired in people with neurological disorders.
As a branch of rehabilitation, neurological physiotherapy assesses and treats the musculoskeletal issues brought on by a patient’s neurological disorder.
Here at Philanx Rehab, we help people who are suffering from a wide range of neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, and stroke.
The goal of neurological physiotherapy is to improve the standard of living for those suffering from neurological disorders by means of physical treatment. Each person with a neurological disorder experiences their symptoms differently. Your ailment and its symptoms will guide your treatment.
Therapy for neurological conditions at Philanx Rehab targets:
* Delay of the inevitable decline in physical health
* Enhanced ability to reach one’s full potential
* Assist disabled children in reaching important developmental milestones.
A number of rehabilitation ideas form the basis of neurological physiotherapy. Among the neurological physiotherapy principles upon which Philanx Rehab’s therapies are based are:
* Despite damage to the brain or spinal cord, the brain is dynamic and may adapt to new circumstances, termed neuroplasticity.
* Using a holistic and problem-solving approach, tailoring treatment to each patient’s unique symptoms and level of injury
* Using communication, positive reward, sensory stimulation, and strengthening to build on any movement that is possible.
* Promoting healthy mobility and function
* Changing and adjusting one’s posture while lying down, sitting, and standing
* Encouraging practical exercises that integrate with regular chores
* Using both spoken and visual cues to get the patient to focus on the activity at hand and internalize the treatment’s lessons
* Reducing the risk of spasticity and other movement abnormalities by keeping muscles from shortening.
* Incorporating a collaborative strategy into patient rehabilitation
* Putting into action measurable and time-bound target objectives.
* Including the patient in all aspects of treatment
* Reaching one’s full potential in terms of autonomy and standard of living
For optimal healing, neurological physiotherapy should be initiated promptly after injury. For optimal patient outcomes, Philanx Rehab employs a multi-pronged approach based on the principles of neurological physiotherapy. Among these methods are the Carr and Shepherd Concept for motor relearning, functional rehabilitation, conductive education, the Brunnstrom Approach to synergistic movement, and the Bobath Concept for normal movement.
Each patient’s symptoms and treatment objectives dictate the specific method employed. Because of this, we can help each patient reach his or her full potential. Muscle strength and mobility could be impacted after an injury. Spasms can cause a tightening or weakening of the muscles. Symptoms include trouble speaking or swallowing, and changes in sensation are also possible.
The benefits of physiotherapy include the following:
* Make it easier to accomplish targeted, accurate motions.
* Return to a more natural gait.
* Strengthen skills through regular practice.
* Strengthen muscles and improve mobility.
* Strengthen your core stability and posture.
* Reduce stiffness and contractures by stretching tense muscles.
* Strengthen your body and improve your stamina.
* Assist with breathing issues. Lessen the likelihood of chest infections. Lessen the likelihood of falling. Less tension and anxiety
* Minimize discomfort and maximize autonomy.
* Get the most out of yourself.
What you can expect from physiotherapy sessions is condition-specific. Your treatment plan will be personalized to address your unique requirements. Physiotherapy treatment will improve your ability to carry out routine tasks and partake in the functional activities that you value most. Things like going on walks, navigating stairs, going grocery shopping, tending to a garden, or even just getting in and out of bed, with or without help, could fall under this category.
Walking, strengthening, and stretching may all be part of your treatment plan, depending on your ailment. Philanx Rehab’s enthusiastic physical therapists are here to assist you in reaching your full potential, regaining your independence, and improving your quality of life.
In order to determine the best course of treatment for your neurological illness, it is necessary to do an initial evaluation to pinpoint any symptoms you may be experiencing.
You and your physiotherapist will work together to create a personalized rehabilitation plan that addresses both the immediate and distant future. Treatment for neurological physiotherapy can take place in a clinic setting or at your house, whatever is more convenient for you.
If further treatment or equipment is required, Philanx Rehab also maintains good relationships with podiatrists and occupational therapists.
Get in touch with us today to schedule an evaluation or learn more about neurophysiotherapy. Appointments can also be made online.